Date: 4 June 1855
Recipient: William Agnew
Book: Joseph Fenton letter-book, Gernsheim Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Austin

Head Quarters Monday June 4th 1855.

Dear Sir,

I have just received a message from Mr Smith post Master at Constantinople to say that he found great difficulty in getting back the Photographs from the Embassy & that he had a [sic] last obliged to write a very peremptory letter to Mr Alison secretary of regulation in order to recover them You will doubtless have received them by this time I am now at Head Quarters taking a few portraits I am yet in want of, Lord Raglans [sic] gave me a sitting this morning & I have obtained a very good likeness of him, Genl Pellisier [sic] with whom I breakfasted this morning is coming the day after tomorrow at 5 in the morning[.] It is impossible to work after 9 or 10 from the intense heat which sends the stoppers flying out of my bottles & spoils every picture[.] I am almost at the end of my materials having only 1 oz of silver left & should be away if it were not for these great guns each of whose portrait has to be fairly hunted down[.] I dont think I shall get Canroberts likeness as he is away at Schorgoun with the part of the Army recently sent out in that direction[.] I go on occassionally that way in the Afternoon In a ride as it is a new spot & surrounded by beautiful scenery & if I can get him to come to head quarters I will, I should today have hunted up Omar Pacha who is here but my horse slipped his halter last night & has taken 6 men to hunt him through the different camps[.] I believe they have caught him[.] I have got Russells likeness[.] The sanitary commissior [sic] have left, As for your question about the name of the picture Genl Barnard says you are quite safe in calling it the “Seige of Sebastopol” As there is little doubt that the south side will soon be taken. Pelissier [sic] is thoroughly in earnest & when any attack does not succeed to his mind he sends the same troops to do it over again[.] The expedition to Kertch has been a great blow to the Russians[.] I was with it & every one was astonished at the little defence that was made of so important a point. I took two water coloured sketches of Yenicale

Two days since I dined with Lord Raglan & while at dinner a despatch came from Sir E Lyons (which his Lordship read aloud to us) stating that we had taken or destroyed 240 vessels in the sea of Azoph & other news which you will get by telegraph while I am writing, This morning we have the news that the Russians had abandoned Sonjah Kaleda leaving to us 60 guns & 85 morters[.] Yesterday a strong reconnaisance was made as far as Baidar through a beautiful country – The complete stoppage of the supplies of the Russian Army coming from the sea of Azoph will compell them soon to evacuate the Crimea even if not soon driven out[.] If the attack of Anapa succeeds Sir G Brown expedition will have nothing left to desire[.] Halliwell [sic] is quartermaster General of the reinforcement left here 3 days time for Sir G Browns & I have no doubt that in two days time we shall hear of the attack on Anapa It is said that all the Russian forces in Circassia are concentrating there[.] If true there will be a tough contest there though our men are so keen that there can be little doubt of the result if once they come to close quarters[.] I shall bring the negatives with me as it would not be safe to send them & to get them home injured [sic], even with my own supervision will cause much trouble unless I am lucky enough to get them shipped in a vessel going straight home to England[.] I sent you a packet of portraits some days since probably before leaving I shall send you some more another

Yours Truly.
Roger Fenton


